To All FBA Friends & Family
We want you to know that we are still here for
you during these troubling times.
The FBA has some new and exciting changes coming soon which will improve and revamp the FBA. The first and foremost of these is a closer partnership with Radio Entrepreneurs and their network.
More details to come soon! We hope you are all well and can stay safe.
Best Regards – The FBA Team
“We use the FBA frequently to update ourselves with the local community, surrounding happenings that we can be a part of or help with and we also utilize the service guide directory to match up with services that assist us in a number of things. I am always excited when something matches exactly what we need at the time we are looking.” “I also know that I can trust the companies that advertise with the FBA because like us, they are most likely family businesses themselves and we like to work with fellow family businesses.”
Valerie Bono,
We welcome and thank the newest sponsors of the FBA
The Family Business Consulting Group
829 Studios
Suffolk University

The Effect of Divorce on a Family Business
Family businesses face many challenges as they strive to survive and thrive. Among the most difficult to overcome is one that is unique to a closely held business: divorce. For a family business to survive a divorce, the possibility of divorce must be anticipated and planned for well in advance. While nobody wants to imagine a time when a marriage is dissolved, it is inexcusable to ignore the possibility.
How Protected is Your Family Business from Creditors?
Many family business owners become complacent about creditor exposure because they believe their corporate or limited liability company structure will protect the business. The fact is that if it is a corporation and you or anyone else owns shares in their own name, jointly with another, or even in a revocable trust, the answer is, it’s not protected.
Business Continuity Strategies Don’t Have to Be Complicated
The day-to-day challenges of managing a family business can often complicate or even prevent the development of a continuity plan.
As it Returns to Family Leadership, A.W. Chesterton Also Returns to Family Values
At family-owned A.W. Chesterton Co., they start ’em young; “Some of my earliest memories are my father really talking to me about the business when I was a boy. I think he probably even talked to me when I was in my crib,” jokes CEO and President Andrew Chesterton.
Estate Planning for the Family Business Owner Requires Special Knowledge
Estate planning is never more challenging than when it’s for the owner of a family business. Such planning is fundamentally different from planning for other individuals, so the one-size-fits-all standard estate plan is virtually certain to fail the owner’s needs.
Reflections on Building a Family Business
Today, we proudly stand as a leading, independent chain of convenience stores and gasoline stations, with locations throughout Eastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire, but the humble beginnings of our family-owned business were anything but lofty!
The 2017 Family Business Conference
The Massachusetts Family Business Conference convened this year in Boston’s celebrated Colonnade Hotel on Oct. 25; the annual Family Business Awards ceremony preceded the conference.
Family Businesses Win Big at Annual Awards Event
The ninth annual Massachusetts Family Business Awards took place this year on Oct. 24, the evening prior to the Family Business Conference, at the Colonnade Hotel in Boston.
Education Counts in the Cyber Wars: Prevention Begins on the Homefront
News of global cyberattacks have businesses, institutions and individuals on edge. While insurance is important, prevention is preferable.
Ayer-Based Oil Company Ready for the Future with a New Name and a Fourth Generation at Its Helm
When a family business has endured for four generations, it must be doing something right. But in the case of Ayer-based Catania Oils, a processor and packager of organic, non-GMO vegetable, olive and blended oils, that something might just be a desire to continually change and improve.
The Keystone for Successful Baby Boomer Succession
Raising children is always a push-pull relationship; however, in the final analysis, we love our children and will do almost anything for them – including turn over the family business.
Cut from the Same Cloth: Boston-Area Tailors Spring from Familial Roots
Tailor shops are almost universally small businesses, and many are family-run. The singular importance of referrals allows them to exist for generations without so much as spending the equivalent of a piece of Hancock’s chalk on advertising, while other businesses on the same block can fail despite the best laid promotional schemes of computer mice and admen.